Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The easiest collective that people associate with is a team of some sorts. The biggest, or really the most important, collective that I associated myself was the different sports teams in which I participated. I feel that a big part of my identity was shaped by these two collectives. From sports and the different teams i was on, I learned how to act and carry myself, as well as how not to act and carry myself. I learned about myself, as well as learning from my teammates and my coaches. A lot of who I am and how I act comes from the coaches who stressed discpline and all that jazz. When I was playing a sport, whether it be basketball or softball, I never was really that gung ho about it like the rest of my team. I mean that winning wasn't everything. I know that is really corny, but I enjoyed working hard at something that was meaningful for a time. I enjoyed working until I physically couldn't work anymore.

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