Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Female Mind

When I saw that ad in class, my first reaction was "aw". It was sooo cool that I could see how they made the models that pretty. I always thought that they were just really lucky with finding beautifully shapped models and adding lots of makeup. But after I saw it, and thought about it for a moment, I realized how much of an effect it had, knowing that it was actually all fake. I thought, it shouldn't have THAT big of an impact, but it did, and I tried to figure out why. That's when I realized that I envied the beautiful models in the magazines and billboards. I thought they were gorgeous. Not that the fact that they were beautiful made me buy their products. I knew that the products didn't do the trick of making them beautiful, they were just models for these companies. I just felt really bad that I couldn't look like them. Now that I realize it is all fake, it really makes me think differently about those models and their beauty. I have always hoped to say as different from society as I could, because most of the time I don't like how they run things, or their opinions that they are trying to spread far and wide. This makes me realize that no matter what, society has an impact on you, as do your peers. There is no way to escape it, unless you turn into a hermit. It's just human nature, I guess, to follow the crowds sometimes. Somehow, you will always follow someone else's lead, even if you are a leader, if that makes any sense. It happens because you are human, and I don't think you can change that haha.

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