Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Image of an Architecture Student

I have wanted to be an architect since the beginning of high school. Every college I applied to had architecture cause I knew that was what I wanted to do. Once I was acceppted to Virginia Tech I was so happy cause I knew their architecture program was top ranked. However, I didn't realize the image that architecture students were given by other students. Kids would say how architect students have no social life and just work in their studio all the time. I really didn't like that image for a couple reasons. One, I wasn't too happy about the fact that I would have a whole lot of work to do and two, I like to go out and chill with my friends and didn't want to be stuck in a studio.

After being in the architecture student group for a couple of months, my identity has somewhat been shaped. I have definitley had a lot of work to do but not nearly as much as the image suggested. I have also learned how to organize my time better so I can go out with my friends while being successful in my classes. I know that I am only a first year student and that I will have more work in the later years of my major. However, learning to organize my time will benefit me in my upcoming years so I am not too worried.

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