Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Heaven and Hell

Through my first three years in highschool I was heavly involved in my church. I went to sunday school eveyr week, youth group, and many events sponsored by the youth group. I loved it and had so much fun whenever I went. I was a chance to hang out wiht people my own age and do that in an appropriate and Christian way. The people there were my friends and the people I hung out with all the time.

But as my Junior year came, I began to hang out with one of my now best friends, Sarah. She was a blast and so crazy to hang out with. She introduced me to a lot of her friends, including her cousin, my best friend, Lexi. We did a lot of crazy stuff together and nothing was off limits when we were hanging out.

After a while though things started to conflict. my friends from either group never told me that I could not or should not hang out with hte other, but the ideas that ran our groups were different. With my church friends, it was all about wholesome fun and worshippign God. However, with my other friends it was about doing crazy things, that were not always so wholesome. I found the conflict between these groups within myself and had trouble deciding whether I was wrong for doing some of the stuff that I did with Sarah and the rest of the group or whether I was too goody goody when I was with my church friends.

This problem was solved, although maybe not for the best. In my senior year I did not go to church as much and I stopped attending youth group and the events they sponsored. So i guess in the end I just decided to only hang out with my other group of friends. I dont know if what I decided to do was the best and still to this day i wish I didn't stop attending youth group and could have learned to balance my "double-life". But I guess I learned a leson: it is really hard to follow to ideas (groups) at the same tiem and not being lieing to one of the groups.

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