Friday, October 12, 2007

sick humans

The way we look at models and fall for this advertizement is terrible. It has an ill effect on men, women, and sadly our society as a whole. I think the expections guys have for girls is changed due to the commercials and billboards. Their fatancy girl is dramatically changed to a fake girl that doesn't exist. This truely makes me sad that men have such terrible judgement and thought. Worse of all the effect on females is worse. I know in my own heart and mind that I think a girl looks her best when she is in normal clothes and hair just in a pony tail. I even think sometimes girls look worse when they dress up, but with these fake women on tv and everywhere else you can think of, girls believe they have to rise up to meet a social standard. I think there should be more advertizing where there girls and boys are just themselves. All though the low moral jerks who pay for these commercials will never change, the society we live in today will just start to go downhill. I know the commercials work because I have friends who are stupid enough to follow them (although they claim they do not). One girl I know is so gorgeous when we are all just hanging out and sitting at someones house, but the second we go out on the town or to a party she just goes to town on herself and I think she loses half of her beauty with make up. The sad truth is I know their are more girls in the world just like or worse than my friend and it breaks my heart. I hope though that the more people are aware of what is happening in our society the more level headed and "real" we start to become.

- NBier

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