Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Being a girl

I'm caucasian so there are fewer issuses on the racial side, but I am a girl, so that can be pretty rough. I am a person who will push forward no matter who is trying to stop me, even if I am a girl. I have tons of guys friends, probably a ratio of 2:1 in favor of guys, and I know that I can't be completely considered one of the guys because I clearly am a girl, and I'm treated differently. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I know that I don't get invited to do as many things as the guys, and I am left out of secrets because I am a girl and they are "guy issues". The good things about it though are that people come to me because girls are considered to be the "comforter" and that we "understand" emotional pain. I do, and I like helping. But other than the few small things, I like who I am. I like being a girl, most of the time.

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