Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Heritage and Discrimination

A lot of people can not tell just by looking at me, but I am of iranian heritage.(I know it is a suprise, everyone thinks I am mexican)After the events of September 11th pretty much all people of middle eastern decent were viewed as the "bad guys". At this time I was in seventh grade which was already a tough year for all preteens. As children do they immediatly want to place the blame and harrass others. So because I was from a middle eastern background I immediatly caught rude remarks right off the bat. At first I was extremely upset about catching crap for something that I had no part in, just for being born with middle eastern blood. After awhile I realized that the remarks I was getting was no less then the remark I was handing back. Eventually it all became one big joke as things started to blow over. All in all I was not really affected by it cause I see myself as strong individual, but I can see how discrimination is a huge subject with people in America.

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