Tuesday, October 2, 2007


One time I was playing in a band that covered a lot of Southern rock type music. We were playing in this bar and things were going as well as the could. We were having plenty of cheers as we played big southern hits and we thought we were pleasing the entire crowd. However that was not the case, during one of our breaks we were approached by to African American males. They accused us of being races towards black people, and celebrating a history they hated and thought was terrible. We truly had no reaction to the situation. To us we were just playing music that was popular in our area. We had no intention of affending anyone, everything was suppose to be in good fun. The two men didn't seem to by our story. The entire conflict however did'nt last very long because security was tight and took them away from us. The problem I have with the situation is I think that the men were to quick to judge us. They said we were talking about an evil past but we were just playing the only thing we knew and loved. I am proud of my history and proud to know I have grown up in Georgia. I am not proud of how things were during the time of slavery. But just the same I think that was a long time ago and we shouldn't let the past get the best of our future. And any race should never be to quick to judge another. -Nbier

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