Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Soccer Player or Athlete

Being athletic is shared by many people, some feel that one can develop it but I feel that you either are or not. Skills in sports can be learned or taught that is why many who are not athletic still are good at certain sports. This is also a reason why many choose to teach athletes because even though they cannot perform the skill they know exactly what should be done. I feel that I can be groups with the athletes which does not mean I am great at any one sport but I am able to pick up the physical aspect easier than some others. An example of this was when I went out for the soccer team in high school, I had never played soccer before but I was willing to give it a shot. Although I can do the work physically I could not grasp the concept of plays and moves. This made my teammates upset at me because I still got playing time. Although I fit in the group of athletes I am not one that worries about that kind of stuff because I can get away without using it. Is this a good thing no not really but it is something that I have always done. This was a conflict within my teammates and friends because I belonged because could do it but didn’t belong because I didn’t want it.

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