Sunday, October 28, 2007

Having just begun a new chapter in our lives as freshman at Virginia Tech University, chosing a group we know we belong to can be quite difficult. I believe I'm apart of a group of students who have a job, as well as maintaining the status of a full time student. Lots of freshmen don't have to worry about getting a job because their parents want them to focus on school and not have to be concerned with any financial struggle. In my case, my parents decided three years ago that I needed to start becoming financially stable on my own.

So right now, I deal with fifteen credit hours of class and 24 hours of working per week. I am constantly managing school work, a job, and time for myself. Even though it's more difficult than simply being a student like everyone else, I find sense of maturity in handling a busy schedule on my own. Lots of students who learn that I have a job think it would be impossible for them to deal with everything. Although my job takes me away from doing some things with my friends, I am still able to keep up with school work and I have made new friends in the process.

I like to know that I am apart of a group who has aspirations pertaining to the future; maintaining an income while focusing on school as well will give me experience for the future in dealing with multiple tasks. Also, since I make money, I am able to save it and manage it according to my needs.

Just like how Steele explained being apart of a subculture as "embracing a polarity of positive and negative images", I have come to realize the good and the bad about my group. When students think of other students with jobs, images such as "no life whatsoever" pops into their mind. The same image occured to me before I applied for a job here in Blacksburg, but I tried to look past that and see the benefits, or positive images. Making money and establishing and maintaining a busy schedule are positive images to me that come to mind when I think of my group. I know that I am apart of this collective because I am aware of the good and bad things of what it entails. Every day, I experience effects from my decision to become a working student, but I am thankful to be apart of this group.

1 comment:

Ms. D said...

This is a great post! Good reflection, and kudos to you for everything you manage to get done. Very impressive. :)