Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Typicall RVA

Growing up in Richmond, Va, one very red state on the political maps, proved to be very hard for me. I arrived at my political opinions from my own knowledge and my own thoughts, however I do happen to share the same beliefs as my parents. This has always make it hard becuase I never exactly fit in with the same political views as my most of my peers at my high school. I often felt left out becuase there were special activies which a large part of my friends participated in, but these events often tied in politics along with it, often leaving me out. If anything I was descriminated because of the way I felt towards war, etc. I have always been one to listen to everyone's opinion, and to never interrupt, however very few people will listen to something that clashes their own personal beliefs and not interrupt, unlike me. I feel like this kind of discrimination happens everyday, and if everyone was more open minded, better decision making would evolve there would be less disagreements and wars.

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