Tuesday, October 2, 2007

High School Discrimination

In high school I had two friends who were Asian twins born in Korea and were adopted by a family from America. They had spent their entire lives in Blacksburg and even had a southern accent. They weren’t very good at school and one of the twins had a very high temper. During our sophomore year we were in the cafeteria and about 6 upperclassmen began to toss things over at one of the twins named Cody just to see him get angry and start yelling at them because they thought it was funny to see him act like that. Before that day I was cool with Cody but even I didn’t really understand him; however, after what had happened I understood where he got his high temper. It was from his entire life of people not understanding him and even making fun of him for who he was. They weren’t picking on me or anyone else at that table they were just singling him out. I was totally disgusted by the way they were acting towards Cody, and after that day I really respected him for who he was. I would have completely changed my appearance if people had made fun of me like that, but somehow he was able to go on the exact same way as before, which I thought was impressive.

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