Tuesday, October 2, 2007

North VS South

I moved from Ohio to Virginia when I was 3 years old. I moved back to Ohio for a six month period with my mom and brother when I was 5 and started kindergarten up there. Around October, we moved back to Virginia. I was making new friends at my new elementary school and one of them happened to be my next-door neighbor. Through hanging out with her and her family, I soon realized I was a tad different. Nobody said pop down here. They called it soda. It wasn't a couch- it was a sofa. Kids would make fun of me so I stopped saying pop but my family in Ohio would make fun of me when I said soda so I just call it a drink. My family in Ohio already made fun of the way I talked from living in Virginia for so long. When I go to Ohio to visit, I'm a southern girl to them but when I'm home some one will bring up me being a yankee because I was born up north. It's not as bad as it used to be but it still gets on my nerves because I'm not an uptight yankee or a stupid southern redneck.

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