Sunday, October 14, 2007

Effects of Advertising

Advertising that attempts to elevate models because of their beauty have multiple negative effects on society. They either claim or imply that using their product will make you beautiful just like their model. However, most of the time acheiving this "perfection" is impossible due to the use of photoshopping as shown in the Dove ad. In addition, the media is trying to convince society that looking like a model is the only way that one can be happy. Because everyone knows that girls must be pencil thin and walk like they are walking on burning coal and guys need to have a six pack and have a look like they are smelling something bad. Or else no one will ever like you. The very profession of being a model also sets a bad example for kids. They are told to stand in front of a camera, look happy, and then they get paid more than most people who actually have to work for a living. I, for one, don't think that is a great message to send to our youth. However, I believe it is up to the consumer to let the media get to them or not. Because if we chose to not let the media shape our opinion, then we take away much of the power that the media has.

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