Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Media and Me

I guess what I have to say is that I pretty much expected what the dove ad video proved. Expectations for beauty in our society have reached an all time high. Women and men a like are putting themselves in danger trying to sculpt their image the way the media said they should. Also the counter part for this argument is that the consumer should also have some level of self esteem. People need to take it into their own hands how they view themselves. Part of the harm that individuals cause to themselves come due to their own doing. Yes the media sets unrealistic standards for beauty, but people should also be happy with themselves and not let other people control how they feel. If you are happy with yourself the media will not affect you. I must say I have not been directly affected by the medias standards for beauty, but I have known people that have been diagnosed with eating disorders trying to meet an unrealistic weight. I do think that the media holds some sort of responsibility for setting realistic standards of beauty, but I also believe that the individual themselves have a responsebility to realize that these expectations are unrealistic and in return develope self-esteem. Today's society immediatly wants to blame others for their problems, this case is no different. Individuals need to take responsibilities for themselves.

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