Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Conflicting Authorities

When I was in high school, I was a member of the baseball team but I was also concerned with keeping my grades up. The baseball players were required to start practice as soon as school let out. However, I often felt the need to attend study sessions after school in order to prepare for my upcoming tests. My teachers always said that I needed to attend the study sessions because I would only be missing a portion of my baseball practice. On the other hand, my baseball coaches would be angry because we were always preparing for a big game every week, so we needed all the practice time we could get. The school kids would always get on my case about playing baseball while the other baseball players would give me crap and argue that the next game was more important than a quiz or test. I was always left with the difficult decision of when to attend the study sessions and when to focus on baseball practice. Making these crucial decisions and learning from the consequences really helped shape who I am now and the decisions I make today.

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