Friday, October 12, 2007

Topic 2: Gender Neutral It Ain't

The Dove ad showed how photographs of models can be manipulated. Companies want you to buy their products, and they want you to believe that their products can make you look/feel/move/etc. like the people in the ads. Having seen the digital manipulations of a photo, though, we know this is not possible.

The real question is, what effect do these ads have on Joe and Jane Consumer? How have society's expectations for the common man been manipulated or controlled by advertising? More importantly, how have you been affected?

Please write a response that examines your views on one/some of the following: Femininity; Masculinity; Social expectations of men/women; Effects of the media on you/your peers/society; Personal experiences you've had that either conflicted with or adhered to social expectations; Other similar topic. Posts should be made by Monday, 10/15, at midnight.

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