Monday, October 15, 2007

Conform! Because everyone else is doing it...

It's so hard today to be your own, unique self. You could intentionally chose an outfit that doesn't match or seem stylish, but no one will care because somewhere, someone has already done that. You can try to "act yourself" but where are you picking up your habits and characteristics? From TV, movies, magazines, ect. The media is exploding with endless kinds of personal traits to pick up, even if we seem to pick them up unintentionally.

I feel like once you get to know someone, of course you'll have an idea of who they are, apart from anyone else you've ever met, but first impressions of people you pass by on campus can be surprisingly similar. You see a girl with leggings on and big sunglasses and you think, "poser". But then you could see a guy with tight pants on and skater shoes and think the same thing. Just because people like the style, does it mean they're a copycat?

Lots of styles now-a-days have people on a shopping craze. They MUST buy those boots that every magazine says are the "season's most fashionable". This internal desire to conform and become what the media wants you to be is a side effect from the media's powerful illness, that many people (our age, especially) suffer from. Unfortunately, there's not much any of us can do about looking like we're trying to be someone we're not. As long as we know who we are, deep down inside, then we can become more in touch with our true identity, and be that much closer to resisting conformity.

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