Saturday, October 13, 2007

I have actually seen that exact video once before, but I still have the same responce. I think women today put too much pressure on themselves to look like the models. What they don't understand is how unrealisitic is really is. These models take all day to prepare themselves to look like they do in the magazines. They also have touch-ups, and in this case extreme photoshop work done. It is irrational to expect a normal looking girl to wake up a look like this. However most girls think this is the real truth. It is not, nothing like the truth. Honestly in my opinion I like a girl , dont get me wrong, to dress up and prepare themselves, but i don't like how they take hours to just go out to the store. I would like to see a girl who believes more in themselves than just their looks, after a lot of makeup, hairwork, etc. This video shows how the models really look.

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