Thursday, November 1, 2007


Many of you may never of heard of it. It is a town in Pennsylvania. I went to high school there. So I am a member of the collective I assume. My identy to the rest of the area is that I am an unintelligent and disruptive person. I am far from that. I attend Virginia Tech now and I have never been more disruptive than the usual person. Being part of this collective the association between bad learning environment, over crowded hall ways, and lack of flip flops. These images were things we saw everyday in our high school. Trying to learn with these challenges did not promote aspirations. Sights were set low. It is not that I did not plan for a prosperous future, but the environment I spent eight hours a day in did not make one keep their hopes up. The school has now improved somewhat but the impact this has had on the students will always be apparent.

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