Friday, November 30, 2007

Turkey Break

During Thanksgiving break my family and friends noticed how I had changed over the first semester of college. Even though I really didn't change that much, there were still several small changes of which I made. Before college, especially during high school, during the school week, I would rarely ever go to bed later than 12:30. Now with a roomate who never sleeps, I find myself adapting to a later bedtime, even if I have an 8:00 am class the next morning. Also with school, I began pledging. This pretty much takes over any free time I would have, and because of this I have no been able to go to the weight room in weeks. Back at home, I would go three times a week at least. Hopefully this will change by next semester. Finally my parents say I'm maturing more, not saying I was immature before, but now I am able to pretty much live on myself. Thanksgiving break was interesting and I'm sure Chirstmas Break will be the same.

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