Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fall Break

When I left on the long bus trip to Richmond, I did not feel that I had changed since my time here at Virginia Tech. My actions, the subtle behaviors i have become accustomed to were not on my mind when I returned home to my family. I suppose that I have become more aloof and secluded since I left, but it never really crossed my mind before break. One thing I learned was that my sleeping habits have changed dramatically. Instead of going to bed at 11, I hit the hay at around 2:30 a.m. But oddly enough, I still wake up at around the same time, it does not make sense. I learned that my attitude had also changed. For the first couple days, I was more eager to help around the house, but as the week progressed, and as I began to involve myself with more schoolwork, became more and more introverted. I learned to get my studies done quickly, so I wouldn't have to deal with nagging parents and siblings. It is going to be another transition when winter break rolls around, but I think the things I learned during fall break will help me to make a smoother and easier transition than before.

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