Saturday, December 1, 2007

Change In Identity

When I went to Arlington, VA for thanksgiving break I got to spend a lot of time with my immediate family and extended family. I never really thought that my identity would change when I came to college, but as I got home people began to treat me more like an adult because they precieved me as an adult. When a kid goes off to college and then returns home after a extended period of time, people view you totally different because you have managed to take care of yourself on your own. Once you exhibit that to your parents they begin to treat you like an equal. When I went home for thanksgiving I drank and participated in a lot of family events that previously I was not a part of because it was for adults, while the kids in the family went off and did something else. People really havent seen so much of a change in my personality because im the same goofy kid that they have known for every, I have just managed to take care of myself somehow. It is a nice change to have.

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